
University of Leicester Taekwon-Do Club

Moving in TKD


Foot Movements | Stepping | Turning | Sliding | Dodging | Others


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This maneuver is mainly used to adjust stances or cover short distances (half a foot or less), and can be performed with one or both feet. Movement should be smooth, and avoid dragging the feet or lifting them any more than necessary.

Single foot shifting can be used to simply move the foot, but also allows the defender to use the foot being moved for a blocking or attacking technique, either during the shift or immediately afterwards.

For two-footed shifting, the primary purpose is to move in to or away from the opponent by a short distance. Both feet should move almost simultaneously, with the foot closer to the direction of travel slightly ahead of the other. Body weight should be momentarily rested on the front leg when moving backwards.

Kwang-Gae moves 25 & 29 - Backward foot shifting (durogamyo jajunbal)


A defensive technique normally used to avoid a pressing or sweeping kick, but also allowing a counter attack to be performed with the same foot.

STEPPING (Omgyo Didigi)

Stepping is used for covering comparatively wide distances, and is performed forwards, backwards, and sideways. Stepping can be single (ilbo omgyo didigi), double (ibo omgyo didigi), or treble (sambo omgyo didigi). The foot should move in a curved line, first inward to pass by the stationary foot, then outward to the finishing position, and be moved smoothly, about one centimeter from the floor; avoid dragging the foot or lifting it more than necessary unless instructed otherwise. The body should be half-facing the opponent when moving forward or backward, and usually side-facing when moving sideways.

SHIFT-STEPPING (Jajunbal Omgyo Didigi)

Shift-stepping is a foot-shifting movement followed by a stepping movement. Can be any combination of single, double or treble stepping and one or two footed shifting.

STEP-SHIFTING (Omgyo Didigi Jajunbal)

The opposite of shift-stepping, this is a step followed by a foot-shifting movement.


Turning is used to face a different direction, and is subclassified into spot-turning (gujari dolgi) and step-turning (omgyo didimyo dolgi). With both types, the ball of the foot is used as a pivot.

SPOT-TURNING (Gujari Dolgi)

Spot-turning is used to face an opponent approaching from behind. There are three methods:

Do-San moves 3 & 11 - spot turning

STEP-TURNING (Omgyo Didimyo Jajunbal)

Step-turning is used to turn to face an opponent in any direction, while simultaneously being able to change direction, stance and body position, as well as covering distance. Step-turning can be single or double step, and can incorporate other elements such as sliding and jumping.

Dan-Gun moves 3 & 11 - backwards step turning (dwiro omgyo didimyo dolgi)
Toi-Gye moves 14-18 - sideways step turning (yoburo omgyo didimyo dolgi) with a stamping motion
Hwa-Rang move 25 - forward step-turning sliding (apuro ilbo omgyo didimyo dolmyo mikulgi)

SLIDING (Mikulgi)

Sliding is used to cover long distances in a smooth motion. It is usful for changing between stances, and can also be combined with other types of movement, especially stepping and/or turning.

Hwa-Rang move 6 - forward sliding (apuro mikulgi)
Hwa-Rang move 25 - forward step-turning sliding (apuro ilbo omgyo didimyo dolmyo mikulgi)

DODGING (Pihagi)

Dodging is the use of movement to evade an opponent's attack, and is highly reccommended as a defensive tactic for three reasons:

Dodging can be used as a simple evasive manoeuvre in its own right, or combined with another technique to form a simultaneous dodge and attack move.

Juche moves 34 & 36 - dodging reverse turning kick (pihamyo bandae dollyo chagi)


Jumping is used to cover long distances in one motion, or to avoid low attacks.

Toi-Gye move 29 - forward jumping half-turning (apuro twimyo ban-dolgi)
Choong-Moo move 19 - turning jumping (dolmyo twigi)


Body dropping is used to evade a high or flying attack. The drop must be performed in one swift motion, otherwise you risk alerting the opponent who will be in a position to take advantage.

Choong-Jang move 13 - high turning kick while supporting the body on both hands and one knee (nopunde bandae dollyo goro chagi)